Passionist Nuns

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Prayer for National Elections

This Tuesday will bring the final evening of prayer for our national elections. These monthly evenings of worship and intercession before our Eucharistic King have been a wonderful time of grace.We will certainly be heading to the polls on Tuesday to cast our vote. We recently watched aVoters Roundtableon EWTN which I found to be excellent! Even though it is an hour-long I highly recommend it, especially for those of you who want to vote but are struggling to decide because there isn't a "perfect" candidate. This roundtable discusses this issue and many more. Fr. Mitch Pacwa, SJ is one of the guests and I have great esteem for him and his ability to speak truth with clarity - which is so needed today!

Also,The World Overof EWTN has had very informative interviews regarding the upcoming elections.


This Tuesday, along with voting, we will have Eucharistic adoration all day, culminating in the prayer service that evening. Please join us in prayer!

The evening will consist of Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Rosary, Chaplet of Divine Mercy, Scripture Readings, Sermon by aFather of Mercy, Renewal of Consecration of our Nation to the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary and close with Solemn Benediction

Tuesday, November 6, 6:30 – 8 p.m. with Sermon by Fr. Ken Geraci, CPM


Thanks to Larena Lawson, the following photos were taken during an evening of prayer held this past spring, with Fr. Tony Stephens, Vocations Director for theFathers of Mercy, along with several of the novices.

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So much is at stake. Please vote and vote with aninformed conscience!

A Prayer for Our National Elections

O God, we acknowledge You today as Lord, Not only of individuals, but of nations and governments.

We thank You for theprivilegeOf being able to organize ourselves politically And of knowing that political loyalty Does not have to mean disloyalty to You.

We thank You for Your law, Which our Founding Fathers acknowledged And recognized as higher than any human law. We thank You for the opportunity that thiselectionyearputs before us, To exercise our solemndutynot only to vote, But to influence countless others to vote, And to vote correctly.

Lord, we pray that Your people may be awakened. Let them realize that while politics is not their salvation, Their response to You requires that they be politically active.

Awaken Your people to know that they are not called to be a sect fleeing the world But rather a community offaithrenewing the world.

Awaken them that the same hands lifted up to You inprayerAre the hands that pull the lever in the voting booth; That the same eyes that read Your Word Are the eyes that read the names on the ballot, And that they do not cease to be Christians When they enter the voting booth.

Awaken Your people to a commitment to justice, To thesanctityof marriage and the family, To the dignity of each individual human life, And to thetruththat human rights begin when Human Lives Begin, And not one moment later.

Lord, we rejoice today That we are citizens of Your kingdom.

May that make us all the more committed To being faithful citizens on earth.

We ask this throughJesus Christ, our Lord.
