Summer Newsletter and Aspirants!
Hello from a Kentucky cloister! Our latest newsletter was just posted on our website. It features an interview with Mother John Mary.
And don't miss the insert that shares the motive-force behind our retreat house and how you can make a holy "get away" to draw near to God in a silent and prayerful environment.
A N D I H A V E F A B U L O U S N E W S ! ! !
As of this past Saturday we have two aspirants! Please pray for Ruth and Olivia as they begin this 3-month odyssey of seeking God and his plan for their lives. If all goes well they will discern entering our monastery in December!
I will post photos of them in my next blog post...I know...that's kind of cruel isn't it. :)
God bless you! and be on the watch for two Passionist aspirants...