Among the most colorful “nun myths” are those that have to do with our lives of penance and self-denial. Popular imagination throughout the ages has painted a grim picture of the deprivations in store for any young woman unfortunate enough to find herself in a monastery.
Read MoreDiscernment of a religious vocation is both a beautiful and a challenging experience— for the discerner, of course, but also for his or her parents. Even the most supportive mom and dad in the world can find themselves with a lot of questions and heartache. Will I ever see her again? Does he know how hard it will be? Is it wrong of me to be sad? Who can I talk to who will understand what I’m going through?
Read MoreThe past week has seen a lot of progress on our Cherish the Flame project! The cloister walkways are really coming along, and the doors and windows of the loggia have been installed. Even more exciting, the plans for the Holy Family Wing are complete and have been submitted to the local planning and zoning committee …
Read MoreOur unusually large vocation retreat last November seems to have set a “trend” — June 2-4 saw another big group of discerners descending on St. Joseph’s Monastery to learn about Passionist contemplative life!
Read MoreTo round out our “coverage” of Sr. Bethany Marie’s Vestition, we wanted to share with you the beautiful exhortation that Mother John Mary gave during the ceremony. We hope it inspires you as much as it did us!
Read MoreDuring these years of Eucharistic Revival, the U.S. Bishops are calling on the Catholic faithful to increase our understanding of and love for Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament. Looking for a way to do just that? Consider joining us for our Annual Forty Hours of Eucharistic Adoration at the Monastery!
Read MoreClose to a week after the happy day of her Vestition, our new Sr. Bethany Marie is still glowing with joy! She is so grateful for your prayers and support as she begins this important stage of her religious formation. As promised, we now share with you some photos from the ceremony and the radiant new novice!
Read MoreToday, after months of anticipation, our Postulant Hannah received the Passionist habit and her new religious name! The private Vestition ceremony took place in our chapel this morning, and a beaming new novice now walks the halls of St. Joseph’s Monastery. We’ll share pictures soon, but we won’t make you wait to hear Hannah’s new name!
Read MoreTime is flying by, and it’s already late May! It’s been months since we sent our last edition of From the Foot of the Cross, sharing a year’s worth of community news. Now we present you with our latest newsletter, which gives an update on the progress of our Cherish the Flame project.
Read MoreYes, you read that right! Through the generosity of an anonymous benefactor, our Cherish the Flame Campaign has been blessed with a SECOND $100,000 matching grant opportunity!
Read MoreOver the next few weeks, our Sisters will be taking turns making their annual 8-day personal retreats. Please keep “Marthas” and “Marys” alike in your prayers!
Read MoreThis ecstasy all through mothering earth
Tells Mary her mirth till Christ’s birth
To remember and exultation
In God who was her salvation.
Indeed, Easter is the beginning of a “new day” — the “day” of redemption! So, during this Paschal Season, how can we not “rejoice and be glad” that Christ has won the victory for us? Here in the monastery, this joy overflows from the liturgy to everyday life. Enjoy a glimpse of our community’s “rejoicing and gladness” this Easter!
Read MoreThere has been a lot of activity in the cloth room lately … much more activity than usual.
A certain postulant seems to be very eager to join in that work … much more eager than usual.
Everyone seems excited about the end of May … much more excited than usual.
What ever could be the cause of all these happenings?
Spring in Kentucky is a glorious time — dogwoods and redbuds are blooming, the days are getting longer and warmer, and all sorts of birds are returning from their winter “vacation” farther south. New life is bursting forth at every turn, as if to join in our Easter celebrations of Christ’s Resurrection.
Read MoreAlleluia! He is Risen! May the peace of the Risen Christ fill your hearts and minds this sacred day. Know that you and your loved ones are held in our prayers today and always.
Read MoreThese monologues were written by Sister the year before she entered the monastery. She hopes they will help you in your own meditation and prayer on this day dedicated to accompanying Christ in His sufferings. May the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ be ever in our hearts!
Read MoreAt the last supper, Jesus offered up His Body and Blood in sacrifice “for you” (see Luke 22:19). I allow those two little words to echo in my own heart: for me … Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection … for me. The Gospel accounts of Christ’s Passion give us seven sayings or seven “words” that Jesus spoke from the Cross, and I hear the “for you” spoken by Jesus at the Last Supper re-echoed there.
Read MoreSt. Augustine is famous for saying, among other things, that the New Testament is concealed in the Old and the Old revealed in the New … Several years ago, I first came upon what was for me a particularly poignant foreshadowing of Christ’s Passion, hidden within the depths of the Book of Leviticus.
Read MoreThe arms and heart of Jesus Crucified are wide open to receive us all. It is good to be here with Mary, so good. Yet how can we be glad, how can we lift up songs of rejoicing, here of all places? What place can joy possibly have on Calvary?
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