We Crown Thee Queen of May

On Sunday, May 6, we had our annual May Crowning Procession before evening prayer - a beautiful opportunity to show our love for our Blessed Mother!  Sr. Mary Andrea carried the cross to lead the procession, followed closely by Sr. Mary Veronica bearing floral crowns, one small, one large, to wreathe the brow of two Marian statues in our chapel.  Sr. Catherine Marie had the honor of crowning the Sorrowful Mother near the holy water font and entrance to the chapel, and Sr. Mary Agnes crowned Our Lady of Fatima in our Choir.  We could hardly have asked for more beautiful weather for the day, a perfect sunshiny May afternoon to honor our radiant Queen and tender Mother.

And of course, we wish a very Happy Mothers' Day to all of you, especially all those who are mothers, physically or spiritually!