The Last Words of Jesus - Part IX

by Thomas Sitio of Jesus (Gene Boehmann)

Meditation on the Seventh Word

"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit."
"Pater, in manus tuas, commendo spiritum meum."

"O Glory of Israel, you are enthroned in the Holy Place.
In you our fathers trusted, and you delivered them. To you they cried and they escaped; in you they trusted and they were not put to shame.
I will proclaim your renown to my brethren, in the midst of the people I will praise you.
Among the multitude my praise will come to you, I will fulfill my promises before those that fear Him." Psalm 22

"I have come not to do my own will, but the will of Him who sent me." Jn 6:38

"Not my will, but yours be done." Mark 14:36

"Be it done to me according to your word" Mary: Luke 1:38

"I want to ready myself for whatever may happen and I resign and abandon myself to God’s good pleasure. If He wants my work done, fine. If He wants it undone, let it be as He wills it." St. Paul of the Cross (Vol II, 290)

"Only to God should you offer your will and surrender, and in such a way as if you had never possessed a will of your own. Prostrate before the Divine abyss, abandon yourself completely." Johannes Tauler

"Seek no other consolation than to please God and to do His holy will." "Be faithful to God, accepting every trial from His loving hand in silence." St. Paul of the Cross to Mother Mary Crucified (Vol II, 295)

We are now back to the first medal. The Seven Last Words have been prayed. Now, on this final medal pray,

"The veil of the temple was torn from top to bottom."
Behold a cross of Glory on which Christ reigns transfigured.

Continued in subsequent Oblate Sharings