
We continually find that our Passionist charism and contemplative way of life is not well known.  Even though our religious Institute has been in existence since 1771, the good news about the cloistered Passionist vocation still remains somewhat hidden in the shadow of the cross, and there are strange ideas often floating around about it.

This has prompted us to start a column here that will address these issues while shedding light on many others.  Hopefully, you will enjoy learning a little more about Passionist Nuns!  As a good friend of ours (a retired Air Force pilot) would say: "Strap yourselves in, because we are ready to fly over all this information!"

And 'fly over it' we will, as we merely touch on various aspects of our way of life.  It would take more than a whole library to tell the full story of our beautiful Passionist vocation!