Last weekend, we welcomed three young ladies whose travels to get here spanned nearly the entire USA: Morgan (Louisiana), Shelagh (Minnesota), and Christine (California). They were a delightful group, eager to learn more about the life and vocation of the Passionist Nuns.
Read MoreThis final phase of our Cherish the Flame project is slated to be complete near the end of April, and we’re seeing the transformation take place day by day. It’s not quite time for “before and after” photos, but enjoy some images of the progress!
Read More"Entrust yourself entirely to God. He is a Father and a most loving Father at that …”
Read MoreDespite an unusually cold and snowy February, we’re already looking forward to planting some items in our garden - thanks to the ingenuity and generosity of one young man!
Read MoreOn this day so associated with love, we pray that each of you would experience the love of our Crucified and Risen Savior in a special way!
Read MoreSome of you may recall the interview that our Sr. Miriam Esther did for the Consecrated podcast last January. By God’s grace, this start-up podcast has really grown and flourished!
Read MoreOne of the most significant (and beautiful!) additions that the Holy Family Wing has brought to our monastic home is the new Chapter Room.
But wait - what is a Chapter Room, exactly?
Read MoreRemember Josie, our furry new postulant?
Well, we have recently learned that she won’t be able to be a Passionist Nun after all … because “she” is a HE!
Read MoreAs contemplatives, we strive to see God’s love in all things - and some days, this is easier than others. We recently had an unusual amount of snowfall for our area … so unusual that it merited not one, but TWO free afternoons to enjoy this Epiphanytide gift from our Divine Bridegroom!
Read MoreFor the past week, our nation has watched in horror as raging wildfires have wreaked havoc in the most populous county in the United States: Los Angeles.
Read MoreAs we enter into this Jubilee Year 2025, the long-awaited final phase of our project - the renovation of our refectory and kitchen - has begun! On Thursday, January 2nd, a group of men with JMJ Construction arrived bright and early to seal off our refectory area with plastic sheeting and to begin the demolition phase.
Read More“A little Child is born for us today,
Little and yet called the Mighty God,
Our newest postulant is a bit furrier than any we’ve ever had before …
Read MoreBack when we first heard the Lord’s invitation to consider a building and renovation project to help our monastic home better serve the needs of our community, one of the first places we decided to re-imagine was our recreation room.
Read MoreThis year, three young women joined us to experience Passionist life for a weekend through prayer, presentations, and recreation times with the Nuns. It was a joy to welcome Katherine, Hannah, and Jacinta to our “little monastery in the big woods” last Friday-Sunday.
Read MoreThe poem our Sisters chose to illustrate this year is Edwin Muir’s beautiful and thought-provoking meditation on the kingdom parable of the weeds and wheat (or, in this case, the corn and tares).
Read MoreToday, November 16th, we commemorate the death of our Co-Foundress, the first Passionist Nun, Mother Mary Crucified. She was chosen by St. Paul of the Cross to lead the first monastery of our Congregation
Read MoreMost people - Catholics and non-Catholics alike - are very familiar with the word “alleluia.” It is used in all sorts of contexts, sacred and secular, as an outburst of joy and celebration. Fewer people, including Catholics, know the actual meaning of the word.
Read MoreLast Wednesday, our Sr. Miriam Esther of the Sacred Heart renewed her temporary vows during Mass!
Read MoreOn Friday, October 25th, 2024, a very special soul passed from this world to the arms of the Father. Msgr. Bernard Powers was a priest of the Diocese of Owensboro, a Passionist Oblate, and a dearly beloved friend of our community.
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