Architect’s rendering of the new spiritual direction/meeting room (Our Lady of Holy Hope Room) that will be renovated from an old garage under the Retreat House

A “before” photo of the garage

With garage door open

Exterior view - the garage door has been removed, and brick and window framing installed. The blue insulation is to keep cold air from freezing the pipes inside before glass is installed

January 2024 - Glass installed and insulation removed

Some Sisters “trying out” the new room in progress

Off the back of the Retreat House dining room, we will be installing a covered walkway like the one we have in the cloister. Here, contractors are digging footers for the walkway pillars.

Pouring concrete for the footers

Cleaning some of the windows that got muddy in the process of excavation

Mother John Mary and Sr. Mary Agnes admire the work

February 23, 2024 - The steel pillars for the covered patio are installed!

The M. Kemp Construction crew (our excellent Amish framers) made quick work of framing up the covered patio!

Completed framing, ready for brick

Beginning brick work on the covered porch

The brick arches went up quickly!

Preparing to remove some dying trees in front of the monastery; new concrete patios will be poured in this area for retreatants and other guests

Digging up the leftover tree roots

When contractors are away, the nuns will play ..!

May 20th - Pouring the concrete for the covered patio

Another view of the patio progress

An outside view of the Holy Hope Room window (and a glimpse of Sister Photographer!)

The same window, but from the inside. The renovation is really beginning to transform the space!

This new set of concrete stairs was poured to facilitate access to the Holy Hope Room.

Our Retreat House employee Dana graciously agreed to pose for this photo of the completed concrete patios!

July 2024 - Sr. Mary Andrea's brother Mike made and installed this lovely casework for the Holy Hope Room!

August 2024 - The Retreat House covered patio is complete!

Railing has been installed along the stairs

August 3rd, 2024 - The Holy Hope Room is complete!