Visit from the Queen's son

Two Texas A&M Alumnae give the thumbs up "gig'em Aggies" sign
Yes, that is a small "s" in son, as this son is not our Lord Jesus Christ but our friend and mariologist Richard May with whom we had a delightful and informative visit this past weekend. Rich is a former Air Force pilot and currently works at NASA in Houston as an aerospace engineer. He has an outstanding devotion to our Blessed Mother and travels around the country sharing about her apparitions, her role as co-redemptrix, mediatrix and advocate, and so forth. He also has been on EWTN TV and radio and has a weekly live call-in show on Radio Maria. Well, I just cannot do him justice in this small blog post; visit his site to learn more about him.

Our Lady of La Salette was weeping over the sins of mankind when she appeared to 2 shepherd children in France.
During his brief visit he shared with us about Our Blessed Mother's appearances in La Salette, France, Garabandal, Spain and in Akita, Japan. During his talks he also gave us a slide program. I was very struck by the messages and in particular the image of our Lady of La Salette wearing the large crucifix. On one side of the crucifix is a pliers and on the other side a hammer. Through this image our Lady is telling us that by the way we live our lives we either crucify her Son again or by our prayer, penance and love of God and neighbor relieve our Lord in His suffering. I was also struck by her great sorrow over the breaking of the Third Commandment - not keeping the Lord's Day holy. This causes her great grief. How many of us keep the Lord's Day holy?

Rich, thanks for making our Lady's apparitions more known and loved. Your words have increased our zeal to make a more fervent Lent, bringing to our minds the necessity of our Passionist vocation of reparation and love in the heart of the Church. Let us dry the tears of our dear Mother, Our Lady of La Salette.

The cross above the shrine of Our Lady of La Salette