A Passionist Heart Beet

...Yes, I really do mean "beet". :)  Have you ever seen such a beautiful beet?  Sr. Cecilia Maria's mother sent this to us last week all the way from Washington State!



Last week also brought us a new aspirant Ruth. Join us in prayer as we discern over the next three months, if her heart beats to the Passionist rhythm.



Might some of you, looking at this blog , wonder if you also have a Passionist Heart?  Why don't you make contact with us and go from wondering about it to doing something about it...

You can do as Elizabeth did...she visited our blog for some time and then made contact with us. We were able to quickly set up a live-in experience before she returns to college later this month. It was a delight to have her with us as she spent a week living in the cloister discerning God's plan for her life. She also wowed us with her knitting skills...

May Our Lady, Queen of the Passionist Congregation, intercede powerfully for all those women who are feeling drawn to Passionist contemplative life!