Guest Turkeys at the Monastery


Ever seen a wild turkey up close? you have.


After Mid-afternoon Prayer we heard some loud knocking on the door leading out to our cemetery.

We have guests!

I ran (do nuns run?) to get the camera and got some close-ups.


The one on the left did all the pecking on the window.


The one on the right kept vigil...


along with the other 3 in the back.

It was like the turkey on the left was trying to break-in and the other 4 were on guard.


Aren't they lovely to behold? Most of the Sisters did not agree with my assessment.  Too bad...

I just googled about turkeys pecking at windows and most likely the turkey thinks it is seeing a rival and is trying to get rid of it.  We have crows that do this as well. The articles I read say this means these birds have become human-habituated...

It's been quite chilly around here. Today it got up to 2 degrees outside and the chapel is holding steady at 59 degrees. We only have Mass in there. We are reciting the Divine Office and having Eucharistic Adoration in our Parlor.

We have a young woman arriving tomorrow for a week live-in!  Please keep her in your prayers as we pilgrim through a time of discernment. May  God's awesome plan be known!