Holy Week 2018: Good Friday of the Lord's Passion “What was sufficient for God’s justice was not enough for His love. This is the reason why Jesus chose to suffer....[I]n the Passion He speaks to us with His blood, His wounds, His death. This was a more effective way to make us love Him than the voice of thunder. God, having made Himself capable of suffering, it was necessary that he do so, in order to be able to say to man: I have loved you as much as I could. And then to let him hear the Consummatum est from the Cross, the consummation of love. Thus it was necessary that Christ should suffer, but only for the glory of love.” — Venerable Mother Magdalena, CP, Holiness is Love, p. 274 Paschal MysterySponsaChristiMarch 30, 2018Holy Week, Good Friday, Venerable Mother Magdalena, Holiness is LoveComment Facebook0 Twitter Reddit Tumblr Pinterest0 0 Likes