Summer 2018 Newsletter Now Available!
The last days of Summer are dwindling away, so it’s an excellent time to look back over the past few months with gratitude for the many blessings God has bestowed on us. Our Summer 2018 newsletter is now uploaded to the website for your perusal!
Among other things, inside this issue you’ll encounter:
Mother Catherine Marie and the Monastero di Santa Gemma in Lucca, Italy
A spotlight on our many generous friends who help in a multitude of manners
An update on vocation promotion and our religious formation program
Lots of photos…some serious, some silly!
And, before Summer finally slips away, we must share a few extra photos from our 4th of July festivities! There was not space for all of these in the newsletter, but we could not let you miss out on our glorious water-balloon fight, which may or may not have devolved into dumping buckets of water on everyone within reach…