Vocations Go Virtual!
The COVID-19 pandemic has disrupted normal life in so many ways for people around the world, even for cloistered nuns like us! This month presented us with a particular challenge: how could we hold one of our semiannual vocation retreats when our retreat house and chapel were closed to the public? Well, Passionists have never been known to step down from a challenge, and thanks to the hard work and ingenuity of our Vocation Directress and several other nuns, a solution was found …
The last weekend of June, we held our first-ever virtual vocation retreat!
Clockwise from upper right: our Vocation Retreat Team (Sr. Cecilia Maria, Aspirant Abbey, Sr. Maria Faustina, Sr. Miriam Esther, and Sr. Frances Marie), Shawna from Kansas, Maria from Ohio, and Kimberly from New York
A group of young women from around the country joined us via Zoom for talks and discussion, while following our daily liturgies live-streamed for the occasion on YouTube. Despite the physical distance, all agreed that the Spirit was definitely moving, and new friendships were forged as we broke this technological ground together!
Please keep up your prayers that God may send many good and holy vocations to our Monastery!