Advent 2022 Vocation Retreat
(L-R) Back row: Sr. Cecilia Maria, Elizabeth, Postulant Hannah, Rachel, Jessie
Middle: Grace, Taylor, Sr. Maria Faustina, Elena, Sr. Mary Andrea, Alexandra
Front (kneeling): Paulina, Sr. Miriam Esther, Marianne
A picture is worth a thousand words, isn’t it? From November 25-27, the Lord blessed us with the company of nine young women interested in exploring Passionist life! This unusually large group, hailing from 7 different States, brought an extra infusion of joy and enthusiasm as we shared prayer, reflection, and recreation with them.
They also served as excellent “test subjects” for our new Advent-themed vocation retreat. Various Sisters wrote new talks and reflection questions fusing Advent spirituality with our Passionist contemplative vocation, and the result was a big hit! Topics included …
Silence and discernment
Jesus the Bridegroom of our souls
Prayer, vigil, and liturgy
The self-emptying love (kenosis) of Jesus as the link between Christmas and Good Friday
As always, we ask your prayers for these courageous young women as they seek God’s loving plan for them. It is so encouraging to meet souls who are on fire for the Lord and eager to do His Will. We hope to see some of them back before too long!