A Shout-out to Our Guardian Angels

St. Gemma is offered two crowns by her Guardian Angel - she chooses the crown of thorns

Our favorite chalk-art “vandals” struck again this Sunday! In honor of the two angelic feasts this week (the Archangels on Sept 29th and the Guardian Angels on Oct 2nd), a group of Sisters created a sidewalk mural depicting our heavenly guardians.

Very often we forget the great and glorious Angel who is ever at our sides - the Angel designated by God to be our protector during life and our friend forever in Heaven! The Saints had a special love for these companion spirits and often invoked their assistance:

  • St. Gemma Galgani’s guardian Angel (whom she was privileged to see constantly) served as a demanding but loving “spiritual director” to this gifted soul.

  • St. John Bosco urged his listeners to invoke their Angel’s help in times of temptation, since the Angels are “more eager to help you than you are to be helped,” and that the devil “trembles and flees at the sight of your guardian Angel.”

  • St. Padre Pio was even known to “hold court” as the Angels of his numerous spiritual children lined up to convey the needs and intentions of their human charges!

On this feast, why not take a few minutes to thank your Angel and get to know him a little better? After all, the more we call on them, the more our powerful Guardians are able to help us in our needs!

O most holy Angel of God,
appointed by God to be my guardian,
I give thee thanks for all the benefits
which thou hast ever bestowed on me in body and soul.
I praise and glorify thee
that thou condescended to assist me with such patient fidelity,
and to defend me against all the assaults of my enemy.
Blessed be the hour in which thou were assigned me
for my guardian,
my defender
and my patron ...
— St. Gertrude the Great

Sr. Cecilia Maria puts some finishing touches on the masterpiece