The spirit of solitude was dear to St. Paul of the Cross and is marvelously illuminated by the Advent life of Our Lady.
Read MoreThis Sunday the Church presented us with a beautiful selection of readings, all pointing towards the imminent hope of the coming Messiah.
Read MoreThe intrepid adventurers, Sr. Miriam Esther and Sr. Frances Marie, decided to spend the morning of our Thanksgiving Day gaudeamus on a hike through the woods.
Read MorePoverty shines brightly in the life of Mary during this season of Advent - how can we imitate her spirit?
Read MoreAs we begin a new liturgical year, we here at St. Joseph’s invite you to join us as we revive our Scripture sharing blog posts!
Read MoreAutumn brought a variety of vocation visitors to the monastery.
Read MoreAs we move with the Church through the liturgical year, each mystery she sets before our eyes sheds fresh light upon the fundamentals of Passionist life. The beautiful season of Advent now beginning is no exception.
Read MoreSo we are like the heart pumping life-blood throughout the Mystical Body of Christ. If this love is extinguished, if more vocations to contemplative life are not forthcoming, the life of the whole Church will experience immense loss. Contemplatives give public witness and powerful expression to the prayer of Christ, and the unceasing prayer of Mother Church all over the world.
Read MoreNovember 16 is the anniversary of the death of Ven. Mother Mary Crucified, first Passionist nun and co-foundress of the Passionist monastery in Tarquinia, Italy.
Read MoreThe Passionists have released the third edition of the Jubliaeum bulletin in preparation for their tricentennial anniversary. This time, the theme is prophecy.
Read MoreThis week (Nov. 3-9, 2019) is the USCCB’s National Vocation Awareness Week. What better time could there be to share some thoughts on vocational discernment from our newest aspirant?
Read MoreOn Friday, November 1, Kathryn entered the monastery to begin her postulancy.
Read MoreSr. Frances Marie was featured earlier this month in an issue of Our Sunday Visitor highlighting vocations. Read on for her thoughts on the surprising, joyful adventure of contemplative life!
Read More“Everyone is familiar with the Book of Esther but let’s meditate upon it together and see if we can glean more insights from this inspired book of Sacred Scripture.”
Read MoreHere they are: photos of the long-awaited day of Sr. Miriam Esther’s vestition!
Read MoreThe joyous day has finally arrived, and former-postulant Theresa has been transformed into a Passionist Novice.
Read MoreAs we approach the glorious feast of our holy founder, St. Paul of the Cross, Mother Catherine Marie has shared a new circular letter.
Read MoreFr. Joachim Rego, CP, has written a wonderful reflection on the relationship between the newly-canonized St. John Henry Newman and our Passionist Bl. Dominic Barberi.
Read MoreOur chaplain drew out the connection between the life of the Passionist and the mysteries of the Rosary as we celebrated our Foundation Day this week.
Read MoreToday, as we celebrate the 73rd anniversary of our presence in the Diocese of Owensboro, we give special thanks and praise to the Lord for His great mercy and providence for us over all these years!
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