Blessed Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe! This year, this glorious feast falls on the same day as the Presentation of Our Lady in the Temple — a very special feast to the heart of St. Paul of the Cross.
Read MoreToday marks the 234th anniversary of the death of Venerable Mother Mary Crucified of Jesus, the first Passionist Nun. It was her courage, humility, perseverance, and — most of all — burning love for Jesus Christ that laid a foundation which has stood firm for 250 years. This latest Formation and Catechesis bulletin contains reflections on our holy co-foundress’ life written by Sr. Luzia Maura, CP.
Read MoreAs promised, here are some photos from our Sr. Miriam Esther’s wedding day with Jesus Crucified — enjoy!
Read MoreEach day it would appear that the widow only had “a handful of flour” and “a bit of oil” left, and she would have to renew her trust that the Lord would, indeed, continue the miracle. How often He acts the same way with us! God always gives us the grace we need for today – but not for tomorrow!
Read MoreSaturday, October 30th dawned cool and rainy — but no amount of dreary weather could dampen the spirits of our Sr. Miriam Esther on her wedding day! Our Bishop William Medley presided at Sister’s Profession Mass that afternoon, joining with a joyful group of family and friends to witness our novice make the five Passionist vows!
Read MoreThe youngest of our Passionist Saints was, like St. Gemma, actually not a vowed member of the Congregation. St. Maria Goretti is widely known and loved for her willingness to suffer martyrdom rather than surrender her virginity, but fewer people know that this 11-year-old girl was catechized and spiritually nurtured by the Passionist Fathers.
Read MoreObedience to God is not a matter of force, but of peaceful surrender; He wishes to form us, not to destroy us! “See, the eyes of the LORD are upon those who fear Him, upon those who hope for His kindness, to deliver them from death and preserve them in spite of famine,” as the Responsorial Psalm asserts.
Read MoreFor many people, their first introduction to the Passionists came through the charismatic figure of St. Gemma Galgani. Though she was unable to enter religious life due to poor health, this mystic and stigmatist predicted that she would be considered part of her beloved Passionist Congregation after death — and how true that prophecy proved
Read More75 Years ago today, our five Foundresses took possession of their new monastery-to-be in Western Kentucky. Please join with us in thanking God for their fidelity and generous sacrifices that have been bearing fruit for three quarters of a century!
Read MoreIn recent weeks, we have noticed some strange behavior on the part of our novice, Sr. Miriam Esther. She seems to have suddenly developed a passion for hemming large rectangles of black material …
Read MoreIt has been quite a while since we’ve shared a community newsletter — but this latest 16-page edition is chock-full of exciting and beautiful things that have been happening over the past year! Even in the midst of the many challenges facing us today, the Lord continues to show His love and providence in marvelous ways.
Read MorePs. 54 is a song of lament, but all of a sudden we see David breaking forth into thanksgiving and praise. He is so confident in the Lord’s deliverance that he begins his thanksgiving while still undergoing trial!
Read MoreYou are all in our hearts and prayers as we celebrate two of the most important feasts in our Passionist calendar! May our Sorrowful Mother lead each one of you to a deeper appreciation and love of her Son’s saving Cross!
Read MoreAs the Jubilee Year enters its final months, this latest Communication Bulletin draws our attention back to one of those central themes: prophecy. What does it mean to be a prophet of Christ Crucified? How are we as Passionists called to live out this prophetic vocation in our world today?
Read MoreThe VISION Vocation Network recently published an online article about retreat centers run by different religious communities around the U.S. and Great Britain. Among the places featured was our own Retreat House here at St. Joseph’s Monastery!
Read MoreListen to the sermon preached to you by the flowers, the trees, the shrubs, the sky, the sun, and the whole world. Notice how they preach to you a sermon full of love, of praise, of God …
Read MoreVery often in our day, obedience to God’s law is portrayed as blind, unthinking anti-intellectualism. However, Moses here insists that the opposite is true! Secular society may paint religion as childish, but the example of saints throughout history proves that mature obedience to God and His commandments is ultimately the path of “wisdom and intelligence.”
Read MoreThis summer our community was blessed to have a week-long liturgical music workshop with Fr. Vincent Ferrer Bagan, OP. Ever since Father came to play organ and conduct our choir for Sr. Cecilia Maria’s perpetual profession in 2019, we have wanted to bring him back to work more intensively with us to help us praise the Lord more beautifully through the gift of song.
Read MoreSeveral generous benefactors have recently gifted us with lots of produce, including multiple loads of fresh sweet corn. Enjoy some photos from a couple of our recent recreations … after all, nothing says “summer in the monastery” like a good old-fashioned corn party!
Read MoreThe Solemnity of Our Lady’s Assumption is always a beautiful day in our community, but this year we had the added joy of witnessing Sr. Frances Marie renew her temporary vows for another year. This renewal is particularly special because, God willing, next year will be Sister’s definitive commitment to Jesus Crucified through perpetual profession!
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