Breaking Open the Word - Feast of the Presentation of the Lord
Feast of the Presentation of the Lord – February 2nd, 2020
Simeon’s Song of Praise - by Aert de Gelder [common domain]
This beautiful feast – also known as “Candlemas,” because of the blessing of candles that takes place at today’s Mass – commemorates the fortieth day after Christmas, when Mary and Joseph brought the Child Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem to dedicate Him to the Lord. We followed the Holy Family in spirit to witness these special events, and today we share with you our insights!
In her prayers and Scripture selections for today, Holy Mother Church especially emphasizes the themes of fire and light. What is the significance of these two images? Fire can be either destructive or purifying, just as the Lord’s coming can bring judgment or salvation, depending on how we receive Him. One Sister pointed out another fact that we often forget in the era of readily-available matches and lighters – fire was traditionally a precious resource, and live coals had to be carefully guarded if a family wanted to have heat and cooked food without lots of effort. In the same way, Christ is the fire of light and love in our soul, and we must take utmost care to keep that precious flame from burning out! As for the image of light, most Christians are familiar with Jesus’ saying, “I am the light of the world.” The feast of the Presentation celebrates how this Divine Light of truth and salvation began to be manifested, both to His people Israel and to the Gentiles.
“Be beacons to those near to you and, above all, to those far away. Be torches to guide men and women along their journey through the dark night of time. Be sentinels of the morning (cf. Is 21:11-12), heralding the dawn (cf. Lk 1:78). ”
The Church also uses this feast to commemorate the gift of consecrated life in all its forms. Many places, including St. Peter’s Basilica in Rome, host special Masses for all consecrated persons to renew their dedication to the Lord. Drawing again on the theme of light, a Sister drew out how we as contemplative religious are called to be “beacons of light” to a darkened world. By living a life radically centered on God, we proclaim to the world both His presence and the fact that He is worth every sacrifice!
Another Sister saw today’s feast in terms of the Indwelling Presence of the Trinity in every baptized soul. The human soul was created to be God’s Temple, but ever since the Fall, that Temple has lain empty. With the coming of Christ, however, the Lord returns to His dwelling place and fills every soul that will receive Him. When we do receive Him with love, the light He brings is so precious that we will never again be satisfied by anything less. As one of our community’s favorite hymns, “View Me Lord,” puts it: “Wordly joys like shadows fade/ When the heavn’ly light appears.” Finally, just as it was Mary who brought the Child Jesus to the Temple in Jerusalem, so it is she who always brings Him to us through her motherly mediation.
Christ comes not just as a Guest, but as the Bridegroom of our soul. Commenting on the First Reading, one Sister drew out how the suddenness of the Lord’s coming is like that of a bridegroom in an ancient Jewish wedding. In fact, Jesus Himself uses this image in His parable of the wise and foolish virgins! It is our task not just to watch for Him, but to seek Him with all our hearts.
We’re glad to have you with us for our ongoing Scripture sharing series – join us next time as we continue Year A’s journey through the Gospel of Matthew!