Exciting Cherish the Flame News
In the past two weeks, we have seen a major transformation take place in our monastery courtyard …
That’s right, the Holy Family Wing is finally rising!
Our Amish framing crew (M Kemp Construction) amazed us once again with their skill and speed. They had the external walls in place within one week, and the roof and interior walls in place the next week! We are ecstatic to finally be able to walk around INSIDE our new wing, exploring the different rooms and picturing what it will look like when it’s all finished. Now it’s time for the more “hidden” — but no less important! — work on plumbing, electrical wiring, HV/AC, etc. Thanks be to God!

At the same time the Holy Family Wing was mushrooming in our courtyard, the finishing touches were being placed on the cloister walkways. Several weeks ago some contractors came to install the long-awaited gutter drains, which will divert the water from the roof through a series of pipes out to the lake. Then Rick Bivins (our general contractor) and his son Luke were able to install the lining for the flower planters and fill them with good topsoil and compost. We’re eager to start planting!