This final phase of our Cherish the Flame project is slated to be complete near the end of April, and we’re seeing the transformation take place day by day. It’s not quite time for “before and after” photos, but enjoy some images of the progress!
Read MoreAs we enter into this Jubilee Year 2025, the long-awaited final phase of our project - the renovation of our refectory and kitchen - has begun! On Thursday, January 2nd, a group of men with JMJ Construction arrived bright and early to seal off our refectory area with plastic sheeting and to begin the demolition phase.
Read MoreBack when we first heard the Lord’s invitation to consider a building and renovation project to help our monastic home better serve the needs of our community, one of the first places we decided to re-imagine was our recreation room.
Read MoreDear friends, I bring to you glad tidings of a long-desired event … we have officially moved in to our new Holy Family Wing!!!
Read MoreWe’re moving in to the Holy Family Wing this week (!!) and hope to have photos soon, but in the meantime we wanted to make sure you didn’t miss reading our latest newsletter!
Read MoreWindow #1 commemorates the foundation of the Passionist Congregation in 1720, when St. Paul of the Cross made his 40-day retreat in Castellazzo, Italy, and wrote the first Rule. We couldn’t resist giving you a sneak peek at some of Donna Baldacci’s beautiful work in progress!
Read MoreWith all the wonderful happenings of the Advent/Christmas season and the New Year, it’s been quite a while since we took time to update you on the progress of our Cherish the Flame construction. We can assure you, however, that our “silence” about the building project hasn’t been for lack of news to report!
Read MoreOur latest newsletter is hot off the presses and ready for your perusal!
Read MoreIn the past two weeks, we have seen a major transformation take place in our monastery courtyard …
That’s right, the Holy Family Wing is finally rising!
Read MoreTwo weeks ago, contractors poured the huge concrete slab that will become the floor of the new wing. Like always, we’ve been amazed by how much detail and thought must go into providing a firm foundation for our building.
Read MoreThe past week has seen a lot of progress on our Cherish the Flame project! The cloister walkways are really coming along, and the doors and windows of the loggia have been installed. Even more exciting, the plans for the Holy Family Wing are complete and have been submitted to the local planning and zoning committee …
Read MoreTime is flying by, and it’s already late May! It’s been months since we sent our last edition of From the Foot of the Cross, sharing a year’s worth of community news. Now we present you with our latest newsletter, which gives an update on the progress of our Cherish the Flame project.
Read MoreYes, you read that right! Through the generosity of an anonymous benefactor, our Cherish the Flame Campaign has been blessed with a SECOND $100,000 matching grant opportunity!
Read MoreIt’s been quite a while since we gave any updates on the progress of our construction, hasn’t it? It seems like it’s about time we remedied that situation …
Read MoreAre we really in the Christmas season already?? 2022 has flown by, and we already find ourselves starting the fourth year of our Cherish the Flame fundraising and building project. Despite all the obstacles posed by the pandemic, inflation, supply-chain issues, and more, the Lord has continued to bless this endeavor in marvelous ways.
Read MoreWe have received a number of questions about terms we have used in speaking about our Cherish the Flame building project — and we’re not surprised, since many of them are words that are rarely heard outside a monastic context! We hope this fun little “glossary” will help to fill in the blanks.
Read More… Most excitingly, the steel “skeleton” for the archways was installed a few weeks ago, giving us a clearer picture of what the finished product will look like. It is thrilling to see our dream taking shape before our eyes, and we are beyond grateful to all those who continue to make this project possible by their time, talent, treasure, and prayers!
Read MoreAt long last … photos of the official groundbreaking ceremony for our cloister walkways and Holy Family Wing! It was a joyous occasion and a perfect climax to Mother John Mary’s Silver Jubilee celebrations. Our fundraising goal is within reach, and it is so exciting to see work trucks in our yard again!
Read MoreMost people would be upset to discover wheel ruts, deep holes, and debris in their yards … but this week, we are VERY happy to see just that, since it means that excavation has begun for our cloister walkways!!
Read MoreWe are overjoyed to announce that the long-anticipated groundwork for our cloister walkways will begin after Labor Day. With hearts full of gratitude, we offer our deep thanks to all our friends and benefactors who have brought us to this point
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