March 2024 Vocation Retreat
This year, we decided to do something a little different for our spring vocation retreat. The Advent-themed retreat in November has been a hit with discerners, so this March we debuted our Lenten vocation retreat! The talks, prayer materials, and sharing were focused on Lenten themes, which tie in beautifully with our Passionist charism.
We were blessed to share the weekend of March 15-17 with four young women from around the country: Rachel U., Rachel G., Anna, and Daisy. Please pray for each of them, as well as for the other discerners who are in contact with our vocation directress! May the Crucified and Risen Jesus lead each of them to the unique calling He has chosen for them.
Back row, L-R: Anna, Sr. Isabel Maria, Sr. Maria Faustina, Daisy, Sr. Cecilia Maria, Sr. Miriam Esther, Rachel U.
Front row, L-R: Sr. Bethany Marie, Sr. Frances Marie, Sr. Mary Andrea, Rachel G.