Last weekend, we welcomed three young ladies whose travels to get here spanned nearly the entire USA: Morgan (Louisiana), Shelagh (Minnesota), and Christine (California). They were a delightful group, eager to learn more about the life and vocation of the Passionist Nuns.
Read MoreThis year, we decided to do something a little different for our spring vocation retreat. The Advent-themed retreat in November has been a hit with discerners, so this March we debuted our Lenten vocation retreat! The talks, prayer materials, and sharing were focused on Lenten themes, which tie in beautifully with our Passionist charism.
Read MoreTwo Gentiles, two Galilean fishermen, and one Galilean carpenter-turned-Rabbi are standing on a hilltop just outside the city, slightly away from the surging crowds. The two Jews gesture towards the Greeks, who stand with awkward yet expectant eyes fixed on the Rabbi.
Read MoreAt this late hour, restless Jerusalem is finally beginning to quiet herself. One by one, the lamps shining in windows are extinguished as the inhabitants of the Holy City turn in for the night. Yet in one large, villa-like house, the glow from the upstairs window remains undimmed. Within, a most extraordinary conversation is taking place.
Read MoreThe gentle Teacher has been transformed into a fiery Prophet. He strides quickly around the Temple court, shouting and using his makeshift whip to send the veritable herds of sheep, goats, and oxen running. With a particularly disgusted look, He approaches the money-changers and summarily knocks their boxes of coins to the floor.
Read MoreAt last, they reach the summit. The three fishermen, though strong and robust as their trade demands, are happy for a chance to throw themselves down upon the sparse grass and catch their breath. It has been a hard climb, especially at the pace set by their Leader. For His part, the fourth Man remains standing, gazing out at the horizon with an indefinable expression on His face.
Read MoreHis dusty clothes, sunburnt face, and gaunt frame suggest that He has been here for some time. His eyes are closed and His brow furrowed as His mouth silently forms the words of David: O God, You are my God, for You my soul is thirsting … like a dry, weary land without water.
Read MoreThese monologues were written by Sister the year before she entered the monastery. She hopes they will help you in your own meditation and prayer on this day dedicated to accompanying Christ in His sufferings. May the Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ be ever in our hearts!
Read MoreAt the last supper, Jesus offered up His Body and Blood in sacrifice “for you” (see Luke 22:19). I allow those two little words to echo in my own heart: for me … Jesus’ suffering, death, and resurrection … for me. The Gospel accounts of Christ’s Passion give us seven sayings or seven “words” that Jesus spoke from the Cross, and I hear the “for you” spoken by Jesus at the Last Supper re-echoed there.
Read MoreWherever you fall on the “Lenten preparedness” spectrum, we have an opportunity for you to enter more deeply into the spirit of this season: a new blog series entitled Ponder His Passion! Each Friday of Lent, beginning a week from today, we will share a brief reflection on Our Lord’s Passion, written by one of the Sisters.
Read MoreThis Sunday, we began the time traditionally known as “Passiontide” – those days leading up to the great feasts of our Redemption during Holy Week. How fitting, as we turn to a greater focus on Our Lord’s suffering out of love for us, that Mother Church offers us a beautiful Gospel about Christ’s love and mercy towards a particular sinner.
Read MoreJust as we in the USA are deeply concerned when our fellow Americans are in danger in a foreign country, so the Saints and angels take a personal interest in our welfare as members of the Church Militant. What greater support could we ask in our daily battle for the Kingdom of Christ?
Read MoreTomorrow, Palm Sunday, we celebrate the glory of Christ our triumphant King, Who conquered by His death on the Cross. In this week’s video, Sister Frances Marie brings us in spirit to the site of this great victory, Calvary. There we contemplate with her the Sixth Sorrow of Mary: the taking down of Jesus’ lifeless Body from the Cross. The Passionist Fathers’ Jubilaeum reflections take us into the heart of today’s unique Liturgy of the Word: the solemn reading of the Passion according to St. Mark.
Read MoreToday, Sr. Cecilia Maria takes us right to the heart of that great Paschal Mystery as she discusses the fifth sorrow of Mary — the Crucifixion of Jesus. The Passionist Fathers’ Jubilaeum reflection this Sunday also focuses on the heart of our charism, the Passion of Jesus. What does Jesus Crucified mean to each of us?
Read MoreThis Laetare Sunday, as we mark the halfway point of Lent, Sister Frances Marie leads our meditation on the fourth Sorrow of Our Lady: the meeting with Jesus as He carried His Cross to Calvary. In the Jubilaeum reflection for this week, the Passionist Fathers delve into this Sunday’s Gospel — including the famous and often-quoted verse, John 3:16.
Read MoreThis Saturday, we continue our journey through the Sorrows of Mary as Sr. Cecilia Maria’s speaks on the Third Sorrow: the three days’ loss of the Child Jesus in Jerusalem. We also share with you a Jubilaeum reflection by Fr. Gwen Barde, CP, on the Passionist Mission and Evangelization— an appropriate theme for this Lenten season of ongoing conversion!
Read MoreIn our next video on the Seven Sorrows of Mary, Sr. Frances Marie leads us in considering the Second Sorrow: the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt. We also continue our series of Jubilaeum Lenten reflections this week with a meditation on the Gospel for this Sunday. What lessons does the Transfiguration of Jesus hold for our lives today?
Read MoreOn this first Saturday of Lent, we share a video reflection on the First Sorrow of Mary, the Prophecy of Simeon, and the next Jubilaeum prayer guide for the First Sunday of Lent, in which we focus on solitude and temptation, as we accompany Jesus into the desert and consider the truth about ourselves.
Read MoreLent summons us deeper into the paschal mystery of Jesus. The Lord invites us to come with Him into the desert, where He longs to speak to our hearts, where He desires to enkindle, nurture, and strengthen our love for Him in this age-old trysting place of solitude, silence, and discipline.
Read MoreIn the midst of these challenging times, the powerful Gospel account of the raising of Lazarus offers us a much-needed message of confidence in God’s power.
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