A Closer Look at the HFW: Chapter Room
One of the most significant (and beautiful!) additions that the Holy Family Wing has brought to our monastic home is the new Chapter Room.
But wait - what is a Chapter Room, exactly?
Panorama of the Chapter Room in August 2024 (more stained glass has since been installed!)
To put it in a nutshell, it is a sacred meeting space. The “Chapter” is the governing assembly of the monastery, composed of all Nuns in perpetual vows. These Sisters meet on various occasions to dialogue and make decisions about matters related to community life: the election of a Superior and her council, the admission of new novices, the approval of first and final Professions, the annual financial report, significant community projects, etc. (In fact, our Cherish the Flame project came about as the result of several Chapter meetings!)
The Chapter Room is also used for Vestitions (the conferral of the holy habit on new Sisters), classes from visiting teachers, and various other types of community meetings. The other Sunday, we even used it for a praise and worship music session!
Up until this past year, we have been forced to hold these special meetings in makeshift quarters, usually the monastery visiting parlor. Now, at last, we have a dedicated space! A large Crucifix, brick wainscoting, faux timber roof, a small organ, and stained glass windows all add to the sacred atmosphere and underscore the connection of this room with the chapel. This is more than a mere “board room” - it is a place where we seek to listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit as we discern the Lord’s Will for our little community.
Enjoy some photos of the Chapter Room furnishings - and of the room “in action”!
“The Chapter, composed of all the nuns in perpetual vows, manifests their unity in the promotion of the spiritual and material good of the community.
Each nun, therefore, acts with full liberty in charity, and according to her conscience, in expressing her own opinion as well as in giving her vote.”