A Change of CAT-egory ...

A rare photo of Josē actually looking at the camera!

Remember Josie, our furry new postulant?

Well, we have recently learned that she won’t be able to be a Passionist Nun after all … because “she” is a HE!

When we received this new feline addition to our community, we were informed that it was a female, but apparently it is notoriously difficult to tell with kittens. It wasn’t until Josie’s first vet visit that we learned the truth!

After some shock and a lot of laughs, we decided a name change of some sort was in order. We held another vote and Mother gave official approval: “Josie” is now “Josē” - the same pronunciation, but a slightly more “masculine” spelling.

Thankfully, however, our Congregation has both male and female branches, so now that the confusion is cleared up, “Brother” Josē can continue pursuing his “call” as a Passionist Cat, following in the pawprints of his venerable departed predecessor, Danny!