Tomorrow, Palm Sunday, we celebrate the glory of Christ our triumphant King, Who conquered by His death on the Cross. In this week’s video, Sister Frances Marie brings us in spirit to the site of this great victory, Calvary. There we contemplate with her the Sixth Sorrow of Mary: the taking down of Jesus’ lifeless Body from the Cross. The Passionist Fathers’ Jubilaeum reflections take us into the heart of today’s unique Liturgy of the Word: the solemn reading of the Passion according to St. Mark.
Read MoreToday, Sr. Cecilia Maria takes us right to the heart of that great Paschal Mystery as she discusses the fifth sorrow of Mary — the Crucifixion of Jesus. The Passionist Fathers’ Jubilaeum reflection this Sunday also focuses on the heart of our charism, the Passion of Jesus. What does Jesus Crucified mean to each of us?
Read MoreThis Laetare Sunday, as we mark the halfway point of Lent, Sister Frances Marie leads our meditation on the fourth Sorrow of Our Lady: the meeting with Jesus as He carried His Cross to Calvary. In the Jubilaeum reflection for this week, the Passionist Fathers delve into this Sunday’s Gospel — including the famous and often-quoted verse, John 3:16.
Read MoreThis Saturday, we continue our journey through the Sorrows of Mary as Sr. Cecilia Maria’s speaks on the Third Sorrow: the three days’ loss of the Child Jesus in Jerusalem. We also share with you a Jubilaeum reflection by Fr. Gwen Barde, CP, on the Passionist Mission and Evangelization— an appropriate theme for this Lenten season of ongoing conversion!
Read MoreIn our next video on the Seven Sorrows of Mary, Sr. Frances Marie leads us in considering the Second Sorrow: the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt. We also continue our series of Jubilaeum Lenten reflections this week with a meditation on the Gospel for this Sunday. What lessons does the Transfiguration of Jesus hold for our lives today?
Read MoreOn this first Saturday of Lent, we share a video reflection on the First Sorrow of Mary, the Prophecy of Simeon, and the next Jubilaeum prayer guide for the First Sunday of Lent, in which we focus on solitude and temptation, as we accompany Jesus into the desert and consider the truth about ourselves.
Read MoreLent summons us deeper into the paschal mystery of Jesus. The Lord invites us to come with Him into the desert, where He longs to speak to our hearts, where He desires to enkindle, nurture, and strengthen our love for Him in this age-old trysting place of solitude, silence, and discipline.
Read MoreHoly Mother Church has gifted the Passionist Congregation with special opportunities to earn a plenary indulgence during our Tricentennial Jubilee Year! Read on to find out how you can tap into this special channel of grace!
Read MoreMy breath catches in my throat, startled/ For I can see the face of God./ And God’s face is covered in tears …
Read MorePray a novena with us Oct. 26-Nov. 3, and join us virtually on Tuesday, October 27, 7:00-8:00 PM for our third and final live-streamed Holy Hour of Eucharistic Adoration to intercede for our upcoming national elections!
Read MoreJoin us virtually on Tuesday, September 29, 7:00-8:00 PM for the second of three live-streamed Holy Hours of Eucharistic Adoration to intercede for our upcoming national elections!
Read MoreJoin us virtually on Tuesday, September 1, 7:00-8:00 PM for the first of three live-streamed Holy Hours of Eucharistic Adoration to intercede for our upcoming national elections!
Read MoreAs we accompany Jesus in His sufferings, His Heart is really and truly comforted by our presence and our love. What an awesome mystery!
Read MoreDuring our Forty Hours, we held the Eucharistic Procession in Time of Epidemic and Plague, an ancient devotion used by the Church for centuries.
Read MoreGood Friday is especially mournful for Christians around the world this year, as most are deprived of the Church’s beautiful liturgies. It is our prayer that these Stations of the Cross will help you to enter more profoundly into the spirit of this most sacred day.
Read MoreIn the book of Daniel we find this heartbroken prophet unable to pray in the Temple of God yet he continues in earnest supplication, trusting that God will hear him as he humbly submits to this great deprivation that the Lord has allowed.
Read MoreOur Holy Founder was a saint, not because he did extraordinary things (which he did indeed do!), but because he was radically in love with God and because he surrendered his life to God with great faith and generosity. He was a man of action BECAUSE he was a man of prayer.
Read MoreJesu, I have come into the Garden / Where You are lying silent and apart— / To place beside Your Sacrifice, Beloved, / The Promises of my believing heart. / And now, with life behind me, it is certain— / As certain as the dawn of Easter Day— / It had to be the sharing of Your Passion. / There never could have been another way.
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