You may have wondered before, “What does a Passionist nun do during the Easter season?” After all, the Church is focused throughout these days on the glorious mystery of the Resurrection. It might seem that a Congregation devoted to promoting devotion to and grateful remembrance of the Passion is irrelevant at such a time.
Read MoreThis Sunday’s Gospel is taken from Jesus’ beautiful Last Supper discourse in the Gospel of John. We began our discussion at the very start of the passage, where Our Lord states clearly, “Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid.”
Read MoreIt’s always delightful to take a stroll around our property after a heavy Kentucky rain in the spring!
Read MoreThe One Who is the narrow Gate is also the loving Shepherd, and as our Psalm says, “even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me.” He has chosen to enter into our suffering so that we might never be alone.
Read MoreThe other day at recreation, several of us nuns were commenting to each other about how struck we’ve been, during this extraordinary time when Masses are cancelled throughout the world, by the core of our vocation as contemplative nuns.
Read MoreThis story can serve as a parable for the Christian life after the Resurrection and Ascension: Jesus still walks with us, but in hidden ways, and it is in the Word of God and “the breaking of the bread” (the Eucharist) that we come to recognize Him.
Read MoreOn this glorious feast of God’s infinite mercy, the Church asks us to reflect on the famous story of “doubting Thomas.”
Read MoreToday, like the disciples in the Gospel for this Divine Mercy Sunday, we are huddled behind locked doors. We are isolated in our homes, and still the risen Jesus comes to us, even through our locked doors, bringing an Easter message of hope and glorious joy.
Read MoreWe have been keeping the entire Church in our hearts in a special way during this difficult time, and on Sunday afternoon the novitiate “hatched” a plan to combine this intercessory prayer with our annual Easter egg hunt.
Read MoreGood Friday is especially mournful for Christians around the world this year, as most are deprived of the Church’s beautiful liturgies. It is our prayer that these Stations of the Cross will help you to enter more profoundly into the spirit of this most sacred day.
Read MoreIf you had been a lady bug sitting on our chapel windowsill a couple of Fridays ago, you would had seen an unusual sight. . .
Read MoreAs we head into Holy Week, we decided to go ahead and publish our spring newsletter — written before the pandemic was declared! — to bring you tidings of the many good, happy, and exciting things that are still going on here at the monastery.
Read MoreIn the midst of these challenging times, the powerful Gospel account of the raising of Lazarus offers us a much-needed message of confidence in God’s power.
Read MoreI don’t know about you, but over the past couple weeks I have at times been pretty bummed, feeling the weight of the coronavirus crisis, and finding myself in a “gloom and doom” attitude. But Jesus has been showing us His tender, personal love in countless ways… in so many “lamb-kisses!”
Read MoreIn the book of Daniel we find this heartbroken prophet unable to pray in the Temple of God yet he continues in earnest supplication, trusting that God will hear him as he humbly submits to this great deprivation that the Lord has allowed.
Read MoreThe fourth issue of the Passionist tricentenary bulletin, Jubilaeum was recently released. Its focus? Hope and renewal.
Read MoreAfter an afternoon’s hard work, when the sticks and thorns and tools were piled high in the back of our UTV and Sr. Mary Veronica and Aspirant Abbey were seated in the cab and ready to head back inside, suddenly they realized they had a problem.
Read MoreOftentimes, our novitiate members will prepare a Lenten project to help us all enter more deeply into the spirit of this season of greater prayer and penance. This year’s project shines a spotlight on the wisdom of St. Paul of the Cross.
Read MoreDuring this time of crisis, as even our churches are suspending public Masses because of COVID-19, we wanted to share with you a beautiful passage on spiritual communion from one of the letters of St. Paul of the Cross.
Read MoreThis Sunday the Church asked us to reflect on the beautiful story of Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at Jacob’s Well.
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