We as Passionists treasure these final exhortations of St. Paul of the Cross, and it is our hope that they will likewise inspire each of you.
Read MoreOn a personal level, how does one rekindle a desire to receive our Sacramental Lord? Perhaps the key lies not so much in looking at ourselves as looking at Him.
Read MoreThe First Reading from Ezekiel and the Gospel from Matthew have the same overarching message: God sees us as we are, not as we were.
Read MoreJoin us virtually on Tuesday, September 29, 7:00-8:00 PM for the second of three live-streamed Holy Hours of Eucharistic Adoration to intercede for our upcoming national elections!
Read MoreThe Apostles themselves are certainly the first “laborers in the vineyard,” yet they must not for that reason consider themselves superior. They must, rather, be prepared to rejoice in God’s equal generosity with those who are not called to such strenuous labors on behalf of the Kingdom of God.
Read MoreArriving in mailboxes around the country this week, our Summer 2020 newsletter is a whopping 16 pages full of news, reflections, and — most of all — HOPE.
Read MoreWriting as he is to potential martyrs, the Apostle wants to instill in them – and in us! – what the saints have often called “holy indifference.” That is, we can be at peace and even joyful in both good and bad circumstances, since we see in all of them the will of our Heavenly Father Whom we trust with all our hearts.
Read MoreBirdwatching is a favorite hobby of many of our Sisters, and we have recently been watching some courses about these amazing creatures. God’s handiwork is marvelous in our little “feathered friends!”
Read MoreOur Sister Cecilia Maria was interviewed today as a part of the Institute on Religious Life’s ongoing Facebook Live series. Click on over to the IRL Facebook page and listen to her speak on the Triumphs and Sorrows of the Cross!
Read MoreThe latest article in the Passionist Jubilee Bulletin’s “Formation and Catechesis” series literally follows the footsteps of St. Paul of the Cross, exploring some of the different sites in Italy that were important to the formation of our Congregation.
Read MoreIt is the Passionists’ particular mission in the Church, as well as our great joy, to teach people in our deeply wounded world how their pain has meaning when united with the Passion of Christ
Read MoreJoin us virtually on Tuesday, September 1, 7:00-8:00 PM for the first of three live-streamed Holy Hours of Eucharistic Adoration to intercede for our upcoming national elections!
Read MoreOne of our Sisters was inspired recently to write a poem about the “inner circle” within the Apostles — Peter, James, and John — who witnessed some of the most important events in Jesus’ life.
Read More“The gates of hell shall not prevail against it.” On the one hand, this could be seen as an assurance that the Church will have impregnable defenses against the Evil One. In the other hand, it could mean that the powers of darkness will be unable to resist when the Church goes on the offense!
Read More…to her great surprise, she found herself looking at a Twitter account for our monastery… an account that none of us nuns knew we had!
Read MoreOn August 15th, the Solemnity of Our Lady’s Assumption into Heaven, Sister Frances Marie renewed her five Passionist vows in the hands of Mother John Mary!
Read More“It is not right to take the food of the children and throw it to the dogs.” What on earth could have prompted Jesus to respond in such an uncharacteristic fashion?
Read MoreA bit of news on our monastic community.
Read MoreGod is in control, and He can somehow pull together all the crazy threads of our lives into a beautiful tapestry. My life has been one long series of seemingly unconnected events that the Lord – often completely without my awareness! – has guided in His mysterious way to bring me here to St. Joseph’s Monastery.
Read MoreAt first glance, St. Peter’s “bid me come to You on the water” in today’s Gospel seems like a crazy request. Should he, storm-tossed and terrified, be asking to leave behind the last scrap of safety he has by stepping out of the boat?
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