This essay, written by German Passionist Father Gregor Lenzen, explores what Passionists refer to as the four “pillars” of the Congregation: prayer, solitude, poverty, and penance.
Read MoreNot only are we searching for God, but He is searching for us! And if we “sell everything we have” to embrace the Kingdom, it is only because He first “sold everything” in the Incarnation and Redemption to purchase the priceless “pearl” that is each human soul!
Read MoreDuring Evening Prayer on July 9th, the Passionist feast of Our Lady of Holy Hope, Aspirant Abbey officially entered St. Joseph’s monastery!
Read MoreThe Passionist Jubilee bulletin has begun publishing a series on “formation and catechesis,” taking a deeper look at the history and spirituality of our Congregation.
Read MoreOur community enjoyed our traditional Independence Day “Gaudeamus” (free day) together, filled with all sorts of sisterly fun and tasty food.
Read MoreThe complexity of the human heart means that our ability and willingness to receive the Word vary tremendously.
Read MoreOur fledgling International Monastic Congregation took a big technological step recently with the launching of its brand-new website!
Read MoreThis month presented us with a particular challenge: how could we hold one of our semiannual vocation retreats when our retreat house and chapel were closed to the public?
Read MoreWhile we have not had visitors in our chapel lately due to the pandemic, our Sister Sacristan has still been keeping the Lord’s house beautifully decorated for the spring and summer feast days.
Read MoreOne favorite hobby of many nuns is gardening — there is something prayerful about working so closely with God’s creation.
Read MoreWe all knew something was afoot when Aspirant Abbey entered the chapel one day with a smile bright enough to dazzle the casual observer.
Read MoreAt first glance, today’s readings can seem a bit intimidating – persecution, betrayal, fear, and “fiery Gehenna!” A closer look, however, reveals some beautiful lessons about how to endure suffering in this life with peace and even joy.
Read MoreAs we accompany Jesus in His sufferings, His Heart is really and truly comforted by our presence and our love. What an awesome mystery!
Read MoreDuring our Forty Hours, we held the Eucharistic Procession in Time of Epidemic and Plague, an ancient devotion used by the Church for centuries.
Read MoreThe COVID-19 pandemic has kept people “cloistered” at home for months now, and even as restrictions are being lifted, many are still isolated because of age or underlying health conditions.
Read MoreThis Sunday we celebrated the most central and yet hardest-to-grasp mystery of our Christian faith: the Holy Trinity. This inner secret of the life of God, though only revealed in its fullness through Christ, is foreshadowed in many hidden ways even in the Old Testament.
Read MoreThe temperatures have finally started to warm up here in rural Kentucky, and all the Sisters have been eager to take advantage of the nice weather!
Read MoreWhile the Church may not celebrate today with quite as much external “pomp and splendor” as she does the Resurrection or the coming of the Holy Spirit, a close reading of the liturgy reveals that the Ascension is far more important than we might initially think!
Read MoreHave you ever wondered if God has a favorite color? After taking a few walks around our property in the spring, you might start to suspect that He does …
Read MoreToday’s readings reflect the Church’s excitement that Pentecost – her “birthday” – is drawing ever closer!
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