We no longer live a merely earthly existence, since Christ has claimed our souls for His Kingdom through the Sacrament of Baptism, but we still await the fulfillment of this reality in the world to come. So while we do not yet experience the Beatific Vision, we nonetheless are connected to Heaven in an amazingly intimate way.
Read MoreThe readings for this Sunday are all focused on the mystery of love – God’s love for us, and our love for Him and for our neighbor. Such a seemingly basic topic is actually the profoundest mystery of our Christian religion. After all, as our Second Reading reminds us, “God is love”!
Read More250 years ago, Venerable Mother Mary Crucified of Jesus, along with ten other women personally chosen by St. Paul of the Cross, took possession of the Monastery of the Presentation in Corneto (now Tarquinia) Italy, thus officially establishing the Nuns of the Passion of Jesus Christ. We thank God for their “yes,” as well as for that of all the “Doves of the Crucified” who have followed in their footsteps throughout the centuries.
Read MoreThe Paschal Mystery in us is both a preparation for and a foretaste of the Trinitarian life of Heaven: we live the Passion by giving of ourselves, and the Resurrection by receiving the grace that God pours out in return.
Read MoreAs we celebrate the 250th anniversary of the establishment of the first monastery of Passionist Nuns today, we want to share with you some of the inspiring and encouraging messages sent to our Congregation from the leaders of the worldwide Passionist family.
Read MoreThe curious observer might notice that our community room has been strangely empty during evening recreation for the past two weeks. Instead, the lights have been on in the cloth room, where the sounds of conversation and laughter mingle with the hum of sewing machines and the snip of scissors. What could be happening that requires so many nuns to assemble here every night?
Read MoreOne Sister was particularly struck by the emphasis which Jesus lays on the sheep being His “own.” In a sense, this must be our primary identity; we must first and foremost remember that we are His, and that as such we are infinitely precious to Him.
Read MoreWhat does it mean to be a part of the Passionist Congregation? What is the significance of community life in our day? In this latest bulletin in the Jubilee Formation and Catechesis series, Fr. Giovanni Cipriani, C.P. offers some beautiful reflections on the joy and challenges that come with community and the communal life, as well as on the special “family spirit” of the Passionists.
Read MoreWhen we approach the Word of God, do we recognize that it is truly a grace to understand it as God intends us to? Biblical exegesis and research can do much for us, and they certainly have an important place in Scripture study, but ultimately the ability to penetrate the deeper meaning of the sacred texts is a gift from the One Whose Word they are.
Read MoreAfter lots of hard work, the first section of our new roof is finally complete! The retreat house now boasts a shiny new layer of Ludowici clay tiles. This week, the crew will be turning their attention (and their scaffolding) to the chapel roof replacement.
Read MoreThe Sisters were very ready to break out into alleluias and celebration after a long forty days of fasting, prayer, and waiting, so on Easter Sunday the novitiate led us in a unique Easter egg scavenger hunt.
Read MoreSister Cecilia Maria takes us to the scene of Our Lady’s seventh Sorrow: the Burial of Jesus. Though Holy Saturday is often forgotten in the rush to prepare for Easter, this is the Marian day par excellence; let us live it in a close spiritual union with her, even if our external lives are busy. Then, on the long-awaited third day, we can rejoice with the Church and with all of creation in the Resurrection of Christ!
Read MoreWhat could be better than celebrating the Solemnity of St. Joseph, in the Monastery of St. Joseph, during the Year of St. Joseph? The foster-father of Christ is also our beloved spiritual father, and he has provided for us in so many ways. We wanted to share with you some of the special “gifts” he gave us on and around his feast this year …
Read MoreTomorrow, Palm Sunday, we celebrate the glory of Christ our triumphant King, Who conquered by His death on the Cross. In this week’s video, Sister Frances Marie brings us in spirit to the site of this great victory, Calvary. There we contemplate with her the Sixth Sorrow of Mary: the taking down of Jesus’ lifeless Body from the Cross. The Passionist Fathers’ Jubilaeum reflections take us into the heart of today’s unique Liturgy of the Word: the solemn reading of the Passion according to St. Mark.
Read More“The words, ‘God’s Will be done,’ or similar sayings, are common in the monastery. This struck me. I thought of God’s will in terms of His overall plan for my life, but the sisters saw God’s Will and surrendered to it in the smallest, concrete details of everyday life, and this amazed me.”
Read MoreToday, Sr. Cecilia Maria takes us right to the heart of that great Paschal Mystery as she discusses the fifth sorrow of Mary — the Crucifixion of Jesus. The Passionist Fathers’ Jubilaeum reflection this Sunday also focuses on the heart of our charism, the Passion of Jesus. What does Jesus Crucified mean to each of us?
Read MoreWe are in the midst of our annual novena to good St. Joseph, our longtime patron and protector, and we would be remiss if we did not give him credit for his current intercession in our Cherish the Flame building campaign.
Read MoreThis Laetare Sunday, as we mark the halfway point of Lent, Sister Frances Marie leads our meditation on the fourth Sorrow of Our Lady: the meeting with Jesus as He carried His Cross to Calvary. In the Jubilaeum reflection for this week, the Passionist Fathers delve into this Sunday’s Gospel — including the famous and often-quoted verse, John 3:16.
Read MoreVisitors to St. Joseph Monastery these days are greeted with trucks, cranes, scaffolding, and piles of tiles! “What is afoot?” they might ask, and the answer might come as a surprise: Cherish the Flame!
Read MoreThis Saturday, we continue our journey through the Sorrows of Mary as Sr. Cecilia Maria’s speaks on the Third Sorrow: the three days’ loss of the Child Jesus in Jerusalem. We also share with you a Jubilaeum reflection by Fr. Gwen Barde, CP, on the Passionist Mission and Evangelization— an appropriate theme for this Lenten season of ongoing conversion!
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